Loving your haters – the Soul’s, Goliath’s and Hamon’s of your life!

My life reference book is biblical as I endeavour to be Christlike and to uphold kingdom principles. I am still learning and hope to continue growing to instantly love the Soul’s, Pharoah’s, and Hamman’s of my life. In my life history, and I am certain many of you out there – we are faced with such characters. What remains crucial is how you respond, when faced with harm, destruction, evil, envy, deceit from such people, usually those you would not expect to be evil towards you. The answer simply is love and love unconditionally. It is the posture of your heart that will set you free and bring you victory.

You might be exposed to the Soul’s in your career, whom, realising your potential and capabilities, become jealous and work to destroy your career growth; the Goliath’s in your life who would want to use their statue and power to humiliate, silence and undermine your worth; the Haman’s who would hate you and plot a trap for your life because you choose not to idolise them and many more. Your response to them should still be that of love because love surpasses all evil. This act of love will free you from own imprisonment, hatred, resentment, and all ill-filings that are not worthy of your well-being.

Loving your haters does not mean you become friends with them. Instead, you become aware of whom to bring close, whom to trust but most decisively whom to keep afar and how best to manage negativity with those that do not bring you peace and joy. Lastly and importantly how to guard the posture of your heart!

We wrap it all together in the next article on love and the importance of LOVE; how to continue activating this Godly principle in your life and give love in abundance. Be on the lookout on our social media platforms.  


With love,

Dr M

Igniting purpose, meaning and hope.