The importance of saying
“I love you”

My children and I enjoy a tight relationship that we grew to become friends beyond parent-child relationship. We make sure to chat every day when they are not home with me. Every call end with “I love you”. Then on this particular morning, I was expecting my eldest daughter to be coming home from her practical assignment 825km away, she was to arrive home in the evening. The night before, I was too busy to honour our commitment to chat every day and to check in. This practice was so fulfilling, and it will always end with “I love you” words expressed from both sides.

The next morning, after dropping my youngest daughter from school, I called my eldest daughter to wish her well for her last practical exam and that I was looking forward to seeing her later in the evening. She couldn’t take my call and I guess she was anxiously preparing for her exams and wanted to focus – ‘mommy can be disturbing’. Around midday, she called me. So excited to see her number come through, I muted my meeting and answered her call, but briefly to advise her that I am in a meeting and will call her back in an hour or so. I was so happy to talk to her that brief moment and little did I know that in 20 minutes of taking that call, she would be involved in a car accident.  I lost my baby girl and never had the chance to say our daily “I love you”.

As much as on this last day, at this particular call, I was never able to say, “I love you”, because I would have uttered those words at our later conversation on ‘drive safe, miss you, looking forward to seeing you etc.,’ I remain grateful that I took her call and most importantly that for the most part of our life, we have told each other how much we love we have for the other.

Never take loving someone for granted and most importantly letting them know that you love them. If you hold back, you might never have the opportunity in their lifetime to let them know you love them.  Let’s spread love and let those in our lives know how much we love them.

More on the importance of love in the next post. Be on the lookout on our social media platforms.


With love,

Dr M

Igniting purpose, meaning and hope.