
When Inspiration turns to Envy!

When Inspiration turns to Envy!

Inspiration is a good thing! It is human nature to be inspired and to be an inspiration. We draw inspiration from others, nature, life experiences, and even as prompted by our spiritual antennas. Inspiration is a positive stimulus that ignites and encourages our inner being to do something that we have either been postponing, fearful to start or uncertain we wanted to do. 


It is when your inspiration turns into envy that you must sit back, reflect, and reconsider your intentions. Unlike the positive stimulus of inspiration, envy is a negative stimulus that breeds jealousy, competition, resentment, anger, and destruction. When you become envious of others, you deny yourself and them the experience to genuinely celebrate their achievements. Envy reflects the posture of your heart, the genuine and authentic you. It cannot be hidden, but it can be prevented. 


Five signs that you have crossed the fine line and how do you keep yourself in check?

1.    When you always want what the person you draw inspiration from has. You go out of your way to get what they have achieved or even better.

2.   You are critical of their achievements. Instead of celebrating with them, you seek to find fault in their accomplishments. You also will not complement them publicly, even as you consider yourself a friend.

3.  Your worth is determined by material things. Therefore, you are never grateful for what you have, it is never enough.

4.      You have a competitive mindset and by implication you have not found your purpose. You are always looking out for what others have achieved.

5.  You feel threatened by others “success”, which could be sign of low self-esteem.

Usually, those you envy will notice, but they may choose not to say anything, or worse they may choose to walk away. No genuine friend wants to hang around “friends” that they must watch their back over or are who are envious of them; it is unhealthy.

Find your purpose, run your race and be an inspiration. Envy is a silent killer; life is too short. Guard the posture of your heart.


With love,


Igniting purpose, meaning and hope.


Activating your walk “In and with love”.

Activating your walk “In and with love”.

As we conclude this series, let us remember that love is everything. To love and to be loved is the precious gift we can share with anyone and with our loved ones; not when they are gone and are not able to hear us, but when we are still blessed to have them. The words “I love you” coming from those who are an integral part of your life, could the most meaningful expression and validation than the material gifts you share. For someone – be it your child, a parent, a friend, or colleague –  those words could be all they need to hear for them to feel better, to restore their hope, to be encouraged, inspired, and energised.

When we love even our haters, we demonstrate the love they might not have experienced. Oftentimes, those who tend to be evil, envious, and malicious towards others, are those who have an inner lack of peace and have not experienced love. They might have grown up with serious lack and deprivation,  and as such they have not learned how to share, how-to live-in abundance and how to celebrate the successes of others. They might not have experienced a positive environment where love is nurtured, and they could therefore not be is a state of contentment and peace. Loving them could be freeing them and unlocking  their hearts, while teaching them that love brings joy and abundance.

If you claim to be a loving person, this act is not conditional. It should be your way of being even with those that are hating on you. You cannot claim love yet have pride; or declare love for others yet be jealous of their accomplishment or envious of their success; pronounce love yet not endure all things, including those that work against you.

In closing, I would like to encourage us to show love and express love:

  • Saying “I love you” is important, and when you do say it , be congruent!
  • Whether you live in the same house or are miles apart, let your family members know as often as possible that “you love them”.
  • Letting your friends know that you love them is as important because you might be the only person, they get to hear those words from. Those words might be all they need in that moment to restore their hope!
  • Always answer calls from your children, siblings, spouse, and parents. Missing that call might just have been your missed opportunity to have a last chat with them. You can always catch up on what you missed from stepping out of a meeting, but you can never have the chance again to answer that call.
  • Above all, love yourself first. You cannot give what you don’t have.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Let’s spread love and make it abundant. If you have missed the previous posts on this subject, you can access them on our website or through the YouTube channel @DrMignite.


With love,


Igniting purpose, meaning and hope.


Loving your haters – the Soul’s, Goliath’s and Hamon’s of your life!

Loving your haters – the Soul’s, Goliath’s and Hamon’s of your life!

My life reference book is biblical as I endeavour to be Christlike and to uphold kingdom principles. I am still learning and hope to continue growing to instantly love the Soul’s, Pharoah’s, and Hamman’s of my life. In my life history, and I am certain many of you out there – we are faced with such characters. What remains crucial is how you respond, when faced with harm, destruction, evil, envy, deceit from such people, usually those you would not expect to be evil towards you. The answer simply is love and love unconditionally. It is the posture of your heart that will set you free and bring you victory.

You might be exposed to the Soul’s in your career, whom, realising your potential and capabilities, become jealous and work to destroy your career growth; the Goliath’s in your life who would want to use their statue and power to humiliate, silence and undermine your worth; the Haman’s who would hate you and plot a trap for your life because you choose not to idolise them and many more. Your response to them should still be that of love because love surpasses all evil. This act of love will free you from own imprisonment, hatred, resentment, and all ill-filings that are not worthy of your well-being.

Loving your haters does not mean you become friends with them. Instead, you become aware of whom to bring close, whom to trust but most decisively whom to keep afar and how best to manage negativity with those that do not bring you peace and joy. Lastly and importantly how to guard the posture of your heart!

We wrap it all together in the next article on love and the importance of LOVE; how to continue activating this Godly principle in your life and give love in abundance. Be on the lookout on our social media platforms.  


With love,

Dr M

Igniting purpose, meaning and hope.


Parents too need love, how often do you let you parents know you love them?

 Parents too need love, how often do you let you parents know you love them?

Most of us know how to tell friends and life-partners how much we love them and for some reason, take for granted that our parents need to hear those same loving words from us. While we have different types of relationships with our parents, based on our circumstances, history, hurts, and so forth; loving, demonstrating, and telling your parents “You love them” is the most rewarding thing that no material gifts can buy. Beyond honouring your parents with gifts and supplementing their income, to demonstrate your love for them, them hearing those words might be the most important thing they want to hear from you.

When my mom was finally called to her resting place, the last words we told each other when I left the hospital was that “I love you” and she replied, “I love you too”. I left my mother in a very good state at the hospital and was convinced she would be discharged soon. Got into a flight back to my place of residence, only to land and receive a call few hours later that she has taken a turn for the worst. That particular afternoon, for some odd reason, all flights were fully booked, and I could only secure the first one out the next morning. My mom left us that very same night. I remain grateful that she slept knowing how much I love her, and I am holding on to her last words to me, that she loved me!

Life and death are not in our control but loving someone and letting them know how much you love them is a choice we have. Your parents might not be the best in your eyes, but they are still the best gift to you because they birthed you. Love your parents regardless of your story and most importantly, always let them know as often as you can, how much you love them.

When last did you make that call, or drove home just to tell your parent “I love you”? It’s never too late to start, act and make the first or next step – lest you miss the opportunity to let your parents know you love them.

In the next post, we share wisdom on how loving your ‘haters’ – the Soul’s, the Goliath’s, and the Haman’s of your life – is good for your well-being!


If you missed the previous article(s), you can access it on the website or/and visit my YouTube channel @DrMignite.


With love,

Dr M

Igniting purpose, meaning and hope.


The importance of saying “I love you”

The importance of saying
“I love you”

My children and I enjoy a tight relationship that we grew to become friends beyond parent-child relationship. We make sure to chat every day when they are not home with me. Every call end with “I love you”. Then on this particular morning, I was expecting my eldest daughter to be coming home from her practical assignment 825km away, she was to arrive home in the evening. The night before, I was too busy to honour our commitment to chat every day and to check in. This practice was so fulfilling, and it will always end with “I love you” words expressed from both sides.

The next morning, after dropping my youngest daughter from school, I called my eldest daughter to wish her well for her last practical exam and that I was looking forward to seeing her later in the evening. She couldn’t take my call and I guess she was anxiously preparing for her exams and wanted to focus – ‘mommy can be disturbing’. Around midday, she called me. So excited to see her number come through, I muted my meeting and answered her call, but briefly to advise her that I am in a meeting and will call her back in an hour or so. I was so happy to talk to her that brief moment and little did I know that in 20 minutes of taking that call, she would be involved in a car accident.  I lost my baby girl and never had the chance to say our daily “I love you”.

As much as on this last day, at this particular call, I was never able to say, “I love you”, because I would have uttered those words at our later conversation on ‘drive safe, miss you, looking forward to seeing you etc.,’ I remain grateful that I took her call and most importantly that for the most part of our life, we have told each other how much we love we have for the other.

Never take loving someone for granted and most importantly letting them know that you love them. If you hold back, you might never have the opportunity in their lifetime to let them know you love them.  Let’s spread love and let those in our lives know how much we love them.

More on the importance of love in the next post. Be on the lookout on our social media platforms.


With love,

Dr M

Igniting purpose, meaning and hope.